The show, “A Wild Hope” by Stephanie Smith will open on Friday, December 3rd at 6PM with an artist reception and will run though December 31st. Free and Open to the public.
About Stephanie: I am a self-taught watercolor artist whose journey with creativity began years ago, exploring with photography, collage, jewelry making, and painting. My watercolor landscapes are inspired by my connection with the outside world. I have personally experienced the healing power of nature as well as witnessed it in others. What I experience in the wild is awe of color, shape, and sound. Each experience invokes emotion for me, and that is what I hope to express through my art. Every outing in nature calls forth something different. Art, just like nature, challenges me to self-reflect, to explore and express those feelings sparked by the beauty of the wild. My art is an interpretation of the many gifts that nature has to offer.
After many moves I now reside in the beautiful Mancos Valley. I am a licensed clinical social worker and a licensed addiction counselor. I currently work with under-resourced youth in La Plata County. Due to the difficult nature of this work, I frequently lean on my art for reprieve. Creating engages me in the present moment, allowing me to take some much needed space for myself.
During the pandemic, I was feeling a pull to work with my hands, and looked into weaving. After receiving a surprise gift from a friend with fibers and a weaving round, I found a new passion and outlet. I hope my all my work ignites a feeling in you, that’s what brings me the most joy.
ZU Gallery