The show, “Montezuma” by PC Artistry will open on Friday, January 7th at 6PM with an artist reception and will run though January 31st. Free and Open to the public. Complimentary wine and beer. Guitarist Josie Loner.
About PC:
Phillip Conner, who goes by the name PC Artistry (“PC” for short), is a landscape artist based out of Southwest Cortez, Colorado. His work focuses on the local landscapes using very bold, bright, blended colors found in aerosol spray paint and acrylics layered on a stretched canvas.
His style is influenced by impressionism, fauvism, and semi-abstraction, and even includes the presence of graffiti street art in our contemporary viewscape today. Although he originally used colored pencils, charcoal, and even oils in his earlier works, in around 2016 he began to experiment with spray paints and stencils on stretched canvas. The mediums became the basic technique and material he uses to render these very interesting contemporary landscapes.
His regional subject matter ranges as far west in the Utah rock country of Bluff and Mexican Hat to rural Colorado power-lined dirt roads, old barns and grain elevators, cemeteries, and views of the La Plata and the Sleeping Ute Mountain ranges. His work also includes diverse subjects that are close to the artist’s heart and represent significant moments in his life, ranging from New York City’s Lower East Side to California’s Ventura Pier to Colorado’s scenic locations Ouray, Telluride, and Ice Lake.
ZU Gallery