We’re celebrating Halloween, All Souls Day, All Saints Day, and Dia de los Muertos with DARKNESS – A Pop-Up Exhibition and we need you to help us celebrate. It’s our first pop-up!
ART and ALTARS on Saturday, October 23th at 6pm.
We are also creating an altar to honor your loved ones who have passed on as a special Dia de los Muertos tradition. Bring in a copy of a photo of them to add. FREE ADMISSION
C A L L I N G all Artists! any medium, size, 2D or 3D.
Bring 1 – 4 pieces to hang or display in the Meeting & Makerspace. Artwork Load-in 10am – 2pm on October 23. Work must be ready to hang or pedestal ready. Work not gallery ready will not be allowed in the show. Artwork will be hung salon style on walls with picture rail system or removable adhesive as needed.
You can list your art for sale. We take a 30% commission for processing your sale. Work comes down at 9pm on November 2nd. You must pick-up your art by November 5th at 6pm.
Any questions: email meet@zugallery.com
ZU Gallery Makerspace