FREE SHOW at the ZU!
Black Roses is a dynamic musical duo hailing from Austin, TX, combining the soulful expressions of Mary Cherry and Cesar Valencia. Black Roses delivers a unique blend of upbeat reggae originals and creatively styled covers.
Mary’s professional musical career began in 2011. Inspired by reggae music, she picked up her first bass in 2012 and immediately fell in love. By 2013, she was growing as a bassist and vocalist in a supportive community in SW Colorado, exploring various music styles.
Cesar grew up in Colombia, immersed in the rhythms and roots of his native culture. He was drawn to the bass guitar and traveled the world performing with reggae and Latin-based bands. He settled in Austin in 2016, becoming a valued member of the Austin music community.
Mary and Cesar met in Austin in 2022, bonding over their shared love of reggae, traveling, and life’s curiosities. Through 2023 and 2024, they collaborated with other bands, wrote and recorded music together, hosted a community open jam, and recently began traveling as performers. They believe strongly in reggae music’s power to unify and heal, promoting freedom and peace through self-love, understanding, and empowerment.
ZU Gallery